About Greta


Greta Laurence, Spiritual & Transformational Energy Healer and Light Worker.

I am a Spiritual & Transformational Energy Healer and Light Worker who has been involved in metaphysics for over 40 years. I work with your Soul and Higher Self to access and change your deeper consciousness. I can read your energy field and find the blockages that are impeding your finding happiness, health and success. I can help clear those energetic blockages, allowing Light and healing to flow through the now open channels into your life, filling you with hope & many blessings.

I help you enter into a peaceful state of relaxation, which opens up the cells of your body to reveal trapped cellular memories that have produced stress, pain and ill health. Power is retrieved and old ties are cut. Your body can release pent-up energy and a new feeling of lightness becomes present. Through this work, your systems can become balanced, reconnected, harmonized, centered and realigned. The result is a feeling of tranquility and peace, as if a tremendous weight has been lifted. Your resonance will shift, and a deep, balanced healing can occur. You will be transformed.

I’ve helped many people find greater happiness & peace with:

• Health challenges
• Relationship issues
• Job and career decisions and moves
• Depression and anxiety
• Finding their direction in life
• Certainty and decision making
• Sticking with lifestyle and exercise goals
• Creating a plan of action
• Business decisions
• Family struggles
• Difficult situations and how to maneuver through them
• Negative feelings and how to release them
• How to release anger
• Releasing stuck emotions
• Release of emotional pain so you feel lighter
• Reading your energy field and providing insights
• General energy field readings to discover what is blocking you in general in that moment and clearing it so you can feel lighter and more at peace
• Reading the energy of a situation and clearing the energetic blocks with love and light
• Reading the energy between two people to discover if their energy is compatible or not
• Questions you ask by receiving visual images and relaying them to you.
• Finding the core problem of the issue that you are facing and healing it
• Teaching you how to take charge of your life and how to release stuck energies that don’t allow you the freedom of movement that you may desire.

I can help you, too.


Even as a little girl, I always had the desire to help others. When I was first introduced to metaphysics, I had a dream. In the dream, my Higher Self told me not to be afraid, but to know that this new direction (metaphysics) was there to guide me along a pathway of Light. At that point, I knew I had to always reach for the highest levels. I wanted to be guided by my Higher Self.

I soon discovered that I could visualize and manifest easily, i.e., that I could “create my own reality”. What a surprise! I immediately began receiving messages that showed me someone was paying attention to me, be it God, the Universe, guides, angels, etc.

I began giving healings to friends and family. And they worked! Everyone felt better afterwards. A few years later, a great psychic told me I was a great healer, that I didn’t just “do healings”. At first, I was in denial, not trusting her words. I soon realized that giving healings was what I wanted to do as my life’s work.

Today, I can read a person’s energy field and find emotions that block their healing, that do not allow them to be happy and healthy. Sometimes those emotions can be from childhood or adolescence, or can even come from adulthood. Sometimes they are pre-birth, or even from past lives (such as great fears or traumas).

I help to clear & to heal the blockages. I then show them how to expand their consciousness in order to reach for and create new futures that they may have thought impossible to achieve before.

Afterwards, most people feel lighter & happier, as if a huge weight has been lifted off their shoulders. And they feel peaceful and clear, with hope.

I give them tools to help them navigate through life in a more elegant manner. I show them how to raise their resonance and bring more blessings into their life.

I show them that there is hope, that they are not alone, and that they are blessed and loved by many unseen forces for good.